October 7, 2015
A solid set of lockers is the backbone of any educational building. Without a properly functioning and secure locker system in the hallways, locker rooms, and necessary classrooms, the opportunity for students to get the most out of their educational experience is limited. As you walk through the halls this fall, take special care to…
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July 1, 2015
Outdated and damaged bleachers put your students in danger of injury and your school at risk for potential accident liability. To help keep bleachers regulated and well-maintained, every state has rules and requirements in place in to make sure they remain up to code and are inspected and repaired when necessary. For example, we’ll take…
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June 17, 2014
Nickerson Corporation has been supplying educational furniture and equipment for over 60 years in the New York and New Jersey markets thanks to a hard working and dedicated team of employees. Partnering with leading manufacturers, our team thrives in delivering quality products that meet the needs of your schools and classrooms. This month, we’d like…
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May 10, 2013
Nickerson Corporation has been in the business of customer service for over 60 years. We strive to create strong and lasting relationships with our customers which is all based on how, as a business we implement customer service. Here are our top three tips: 1. Build Relationships: In business today competition is fierce. There are…
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