Tag: custom furniture
June 28, 2016
Picture this: You come back from a long weekend, only to find that your favorite desk and computer chair have been changed. All of a sudden you’re not as productive–is it the furniture? It could be! Studies show that having the right office set up can make or break how productive you are during the…
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June 7, 2016
Calling all teachers! With the school year coming to an end, we bet you’re scrambling to tie up loose ends with your students and faculty before jetting off on your summer vacations. But with so much to take care of, where do you even start? That’s what we’re here for! Follow this year end checklist…
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May 19, 2016
For most school districts, summer break is only about a month away. While your students and staff are busy burying their toes in the sand and catching up on their favorite novels this season, why not make the most of the empty building and plan some much-needed renovations. If you’re not sure where to begin,…
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April 6, 2016
It’s that time of the year once again — the time to set aside some lesson plans to focus on poetry for National Poetry Month! If you’re looking for ways to celebrate poets and their craft in your classroom, we’ve got you covered. Read: There are so many iconic poetry books out there for you…
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March 22, 2016
Spring is finally here, which presents the perfect opportunity to host some interactive outdoor events for your students and their families to enjoy. From year-end picnics and warm-weather carnivals, to field days, outdoor movie nights, and more, the opportunities to incorporate a little fun into your school sanctioned events are nearly endless. That being said,…
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March 17, 2016
For many schools throughout the tri-state area, Spring sports season is already underway. As your teams begin hitting practice and preparing for the big games ahead, you should too by considering purchasing a brand new scoreboard to kick off the season the right way. Besides offering support to your hard working athletes, a customized scoreboard…
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March 2, 2016
Today marks a special day in history — the birth of the ever-so enthralling writer, poet and cartoonist, Dr. Seuss! Known to his friends and family as Theodor Seuss Geisel, this renowned children’s author published a total of 46 children’s books in the 87 years he was alive. To celebrate the impact that Dr. Seuss…
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February 23, 2016
While most schools have adapted their curriculum and resource funding to help keep up with the latest technology trends, the availability of such resources at home is not always there. A recent article published by Education World asserts that studies done by “the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop and Rutgers University [indicate] that…
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February 18, 2016
Recent studies have shown that students who participate in yoga in the classroom have shown a significant improvement in focus, academic performance, overall creativity and self-esteem. Taking all of these factors and the stress-free mantra that yoga promotes into account, we’re not all that surprised! For many years, practicing yoga has been recommended to help…
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February 16, 2016
While the material presented inside the classroom is extremely important, an instructor’s ability to effectively convey that material can actually be hindered based on classroom design. Just as office working environments are carefully planned out for maximum productivity, the same care and thought processes should be taken for classroom design as well. After all, a…
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