Tag: classroom furniture repair
November 1, 2016
We are approaching cold and flu season, so it’s more important than ever to teach your students ways to stay healthy. According to the CDC, nearly 60 million school days are lost each year due to colds or the influenza virus. Infections spread in schools so easily because students are in close contact and share…
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October 24, 2016
Nickerson Corporation has been supplying educational furniture and equipment to schools in New York and New Jersey for over 60 years. We believe that in order for a student to get the most out of their education, they need to have a reliable, comfortable and flexible classroom to learn and play in. That’s why we…
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October 20, 2016
In order to create a successful and fun learning environment for students, there are several items that every classroom must possess. Depending on the grade or subject that you teach, these items may vary–but there are a few basic essentials that all classroom needs. Help aide your student’s education and make your room a productive…
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October 17, 2016
Did you know that Nickerson Corporation doesn’t just supply classroom furniture and equipment to schools in need, but that we also repair them? That’s right– we perform repairs, routine maintenance checks and inspections on the furniture and equipment schools might already have! Maintenance of equipment is integral for student, teacher, and custodial safety; as well…
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September 27, 2016
For most elementary school teachers, parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for late fall to discuss the progress of students since the beginning of the school year. While these conferences can be routine behavior for experienced teachers, for new teachers who are just entering the classroom, they can be intimidating. The following tips will help you prepare…
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August 25, 2016
Social media is becoming part of our daily lives and has even made it’s way into the workforce and classrooms. Teachers have decided to incorporate social media into the classroom because it has been known to enrich the learning experience by approaching learning in a different and interactive way. If you’re considering taking your classroom…
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August 18, 2016
Back to school is right around the corner! Now is the time where teachers are finalizing all of their lesson plans and making sure that their classrooms and in tip-top shape for the start of the new school year. While it might seem overwhelming getting back in the swing of things, here are some tips…
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August 9, 2016
August is Get Ready For Kindergarten Month! And while parents and their children are busy preparing at home, teachers are hard at work making sure their lesson plans are all set and their classroom is in tip top shape. If you’re an early education teacher, you know how important functional, yet fashionable furniture is in your…
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August 7, 2016
Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) have grown increasingly popular in schools all across the country. While some teachers have embraced them, others are opting to stick to their traditional chalkboards–that is, until now. As technology is increasing, schools are seeing the benefits of keeping up with the ever changing technological times. Whether you’re completely new at using…
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August 3, 2016
We’re quickly approaching the first day of school, so it’s time to start planning your first day activities. While students often know each other from years past, it’s still important to plan a group activity to break the ice and make your kids feel welcome. Here are some ways to get your students excited about…
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