Project: Malverne High School
Location: Malverne, New York
Completion: September 2011
Description: Revamping Grandstand
- Refurbishment of Existing Grandstand
- New Sturdisteel Grandstand and Press Box
Summary: Like most school districts, Malverne approached their renovation project with cost savings in mind. The school currently had a Grandstand on the far end of the field, however it was beginning to show it’s age and the district needed more room to accommodate spectator capacity. Since the existing Grandstand was structurally sound, the district decided to refurbish the Grandstand, which is a fraction of the cost of a new Grandstand. The Grandstand’s understructure was cleaned and repainted, to give the existing steel a fresh look. The top part of the bleacher was worn, so all of the existing seating and decking of the original grandstand was replaced. On the “home” side of their field the district purchased a new 15 Row Grandstand with Press Box. By refurbishing the existing bleacher, the school saved itself tens of thousands of dollars, and now has two attractive and functional Grandstands for their outdoor athletic field.