October 13, 2018
There are not many businesses that sell school furniture and equipment and even fewer hold quality in such high regard. The furniture and equipment that fills schools is not the everyday furniture that you can find anywhere. That’s why here at Nickerson, we’ve dedicated our business to enhancing schools with our improved products that are ensured to be safe for the students and teachers at schools.
We have everything from athletics products and bathroom partitions to office and classroom furniture. Here are a few ways our products can benefit and enhance your school.
Administration and office staff also deserve quality furniture in their offices. Our office furniture is also created for collaborative work; meaning, it can fit together to make different pieces.
Through the early stages in the process, Nickerson validates each part to ensure each product’s reliability. We like to know everything about the systems because we know our products keep children safe.
Your school can be the first in the neighborhood with completely safe and new furniture and equipment that insures safety and convenience.