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Working parent

Organizational Tips for The Working Parent

September 16, 2018

Being a working parent has its challenges, but they don’t have to mean sacrificing important goals like keeping the family organized and prioritizing a healthy learning environment for your children.

Make A Schedule Everyone Follows
Routines make expectations predictable and reasonable, even on days when the schedule is jam-packed with activity. Figure out which times of the day are fixed points–like what time you leave work, serve dinner and need to be in bed–and fit in the rest of the day’s needs around those time slots. Activities like homework and after-school events can then be threaded into the day easily and seamlessly.

Give Every Family Member A Role
Children thrive when empowered to make important choices, so let them have assigned responsibilities suitable for the age or ability. Not only does this give you an opportunity to squeeze in one more email, it helps ease the burden of household needs from your own shoulders. Your children may not be able to help out when it comes to a last minute emergency with a project from the boss, but they can take your mind off whether the trash made it to the curb or not.

Communicate Through A Command Center
Any smooth operating system needs a centralized base of information and the home of working parents need it more than most. Whether it’s a caddy hung by the door a full cork-board wall by the dining room table, your family will benefit from knowing there’s one place in the house they can look to for everything they need to know about the day, week or month.

At Nickerson Corporation, we specialize in furniture and equipment that makes educational and organizational goals accessible. Contact us today and get started supplying your home and workspace with the right tools your family needs to succeed.