June 29, 2018
If you’re a teacher — it’s probably the most wonderful time of the year, summertime is here! As you no longer spend your nights grading papers and begin spending your days enjoying your family, you might want to think about the school year ahead. With the right preparation — you can head back into the fall with as little stress as possible. By preparing now, you can set yourself up for smooth sailing come fall.
As you are packing up your papers and lesson plans — plan to save what worked and what didn’t. Make notes of changes you’d like to make and new ideas. During the summer keep a running list of new inspirations and classroom techniques you think of so you can have them ready, come September.
If your school allows, begin setting your classroom up as early as possible. If you can leave stuff behind for the next year — do it. This will give you more time to enjoy the summer and less time spent getting the classroom ready later on.
Was your previous classroom set up just not working? Did you find kids had a hard time paying attention? If so, consider looking into the new desk and chair layouts. There are many functional ways to set up your class so that you and your students benefit. Whether you setup up your desk in a horseshoe or have single lines — think of what works best for you and your teaching style. Add different stations if you can, now is the to really brainstorm what worked and didn’t while it’s still fresh in your mind.
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