May 25, 2018
Every student (and even teachers) tend to suffer from the end of the year blues. It’s only natural that as it comes to a close, people get a bit antsy about finishing up. As the end of the year is nearing, here are just a few tips you and your students can use to stay motivated until summer.
Everyone wants to make his or her summer lawn an oasis. They see themselves with a cold drink on a towel. Well, when the weather gets warm, why not bring their homework or paper grading outside? Encourage your students to enjoy the beautiful weather, and don’t forget to practice what you preach.
Encourage your kids to form study groups, provide pretests to keep them motivated, and prepare them for any end of year tests now. Try to schedule out assignments early on and give extra credit or bonuses to those who complete them ahead of time. This will help keep the students ready to power through the rest of the year!
Plan ahead your summer so you don’t have to rush to get your classroom ready for next Fall. Having a list or weekly planner can help you focus more on your class, and less about the summer ahead. Keep study plans that worked aside, and begin to plan out next year before summer comes. If you have any summer reading for your class, give it to them a few weeks before the end of school so they can prepare to enjoy their summer break.
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