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Daylight savings

Top Ways to Spring Ahead With Ease

March 10, 2018

Did you know that more than a century before Daylight Savings Time (DST) was adopted by a significant country, Benjamin Franklin proposed the idea in a book he published in 1784. At the time, he argued in favor of DST because it would save people candle wax and therefore money. Though he, unfortunately, wasn’t around to see his idea come to fruition, DST has now been adopted by nearly every town and city in the United States and most of the world, in one way or another.

As we prepare to “spring forward” this March 11, there are several ways you can help you and your children’s bodies adapt to the new time change.

How You Can Best Prep for Daylight Savings Time

1.Ease into the time difference.

A minute after 1:59 on March 11, your clock will read 3:00 a.m., because we will all “spring forward” one hour. This means you’ll essentially “lose” one hour of sleep. To minimize the impact of Daylight Savings, try going to bed 15 – 20 minutes earlier each night for a week before DST officially hits.

2. Know that naps are okay when taken the right way.

If you’re feeling unusually tired the day of Daylight Savings, take a quick nap. But when we say fast, we mean it. Research shows that 20 – 30-minute naps are the most effective because you wake up before entering REM sleep. If you work with little ones, consider extending their rest by just a few minutes as well.

 3. Exercise during the day.

If you don’t think you’ll be able to go to sleep earlier than you’re used to, to make up for the missing hour, try exercising during the day. Even going for a quick walk or jog can help you feel tired earlier in the night. Kids should also try to get more exercise than usual on the days following DST since the clock will read 9 p.m., but they’ll feel like it’s only 8 p.m.

4. Avoid coffee and other stimulants that day.

If you’re someone who enjoys an early afternoon cup of coffee or energy drink, try to skip it on DST. This will also help you fall and stay asleep the night of March 10.


For over 60 years, Nickerson Corporation has been supplying educational furniture and equipment to those in the New York and New Jersey market. With a product list that varies from early childhood all the way to college and beyond, we are available to supply furniture solutions that can satisfy your every academic need. For more information on our products and delivery services, please give us a call at (631) 666-0200 today.