June 30, 2017
For teachers, summer is often the time to recharge! If you aren’t teaching summer school, you’re probably spending time with your loved ones and enjoying the beautiful weather. Though summer has just begun — you don’t want fall to sneak up on you. So while you’re enjoying summer break, keep this in mind.
Catch up on Reading
Have a book from last summer that you haven’t finished yet? Did you start a reading list and only made it halfway through? Find the time to read that book you’ve been dying to read. Reading helps expand your horizons and will broaden your knowledge, making you a more well-rounded teacher.
Educate Yourself
You spent all year educating others — now it’s your turn! Why not take a cooking class or online course? Listen to an educational podcast or learn a new language. It only takes a few hours a day, but the benefits will be so worth it!
Whether you plan a day trip or weekend getaway — it can make for a good ice breaker come fall. Visit your local museum or a historical site. Take pictures or bring back a souvenir or two to share with the class. Near or far, a little vacation is always a good idea.
Begin Preparing for the Fall
Though you should be enjoying the summer sun, it’s never a bad idea to be prepared. Keep checking for back to school sales and start slowly buying supplies. Look over your lesson plans and try to find ways to revamp them. Think about your classroom setup and brainstorm on ways it can improve.
Nickerson Corporation is a leader in the classroom furniture industry, supplying educational furniture and equipment to schools in New York and New Jersey for the past 60 years. We realize the importance of providing reliable, comfortable and flexible classroom furniture for students to learn, play, and exercise on. To learn more about how we can help you transform your school or classroom into the perfect educational environment, call 631- 666-0200.