September 25, 2016
September is National Food Safety month! Students consume their lunch every day at school, so it’s important to make sure that school cafeterias are adhering by food safety guidelines to keep students safe. It’s also important to remember that even those who don’t consume the food are exposed to it, which is why proper food safety precautions are necessary.
Here are some ways to ensure safety in the cafeteria:
In addition to providing students with food that is safe to eat, it’s also important to provide them with a safe environment to eat it in! At Nickerson Corporation, we are available to help you transform your current cafeteria into a brand new food court! We’ve partnered with some of the top manufacturers to supply our schools with high quality, low maintenance furniture that brings forth the most innovative food court solutions. Interested in learning more? Visit our cafeteria furniture page or contact us at (631) 666-0200 today!