December 18, 2014
Is your classroom furniture broken down or outdated? Do you anticipate needing new furniture solutions now or sometime over the course of next year? Although selecting furniture that works seems simple – after all, how hard could it really be to pick out some desks and chairs – the truth is that time and time again, people find themselves with products they can’t use because they rushed into choosing a solution without putting much thought into their decision.
If you’re in the market for new classroom furniture, steer clear of the following mistakes:
- Forgetting To Measure Your Room: Measuring furniture at the store is one thing, but it doesn’t mean much if you haven’t measured the space it needs to fit into – that includes hallways, doors and stairs that it must travel through to get there too!
- Ignoring Color or Detail: While you might love something in the store, when it’s actually delivered, there’s a good chance you’ll rethink the colors or patterns you chose. To avoid regretting your decision, bring along some classroom accessories to make sure you’re choosing something that fits in with the style of your existing furniture.
- Not Considering Who Will Use It: Although classroom furniture is typically the same across all grade levels, it’s important to remember the age of the students who will be using it. Chances are, desk solutions that work for first graders will not be the same for fourth graders.
- Buying On Impulse: We’ve all done it, but when it comes to furniture, buying on impulse is one the biggest mistakes you can make. Since you and your students will rely on this furniture five days a week for eight or so hours a day, you must make sure that it is safe, comfortable and reliable first – don’t always let the price do the talking!
- Not Asking For Help: Yes, you ultimately know what your classroom needs and doesn’t need, but your sales representative is the expert on furniture solutions. Therefore, they can direct you towards a solution that best meets what you’re looking for. Even when you think you know exactly what you want, always ask for advice before making a decision.
Here at Nickerson Corporation, our main goal is to provide schools with the furniture solutions they need to succeed in their academic programs. From desks to chairs, storage bins and more, we can match you with the products you need to improve the environment in your classroom. For more information on how we can help or to begin transforming your classroom for 2015, please give us a call at (631) 666-0200!