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Storytime: Social and Behavioral Benefits

April 27, 2018

Do you remember storytime in elementary school? We would pull out little rugs and pillow tufts and sit somewhat quietly while the teacher read a story. We never realized that we were learning some valuable skills while listening to Peter Rabbit save the day or to the pigs get away from the big, bad wolf. Storytime is a time-honored tradition that helped us learn social and behavioral skills that benefited us the rest of our lives.

Social Skills

We learned how to stay clean, how to get along with others, and even how to resolve conflicts through stories and colorful illustrations. Contemporary stories include social issues involving cultures and family types which guide our children to identify with the stories and understand that even different cultures have similarities.

When our children attend storytime, they benefit from discussing what they learned from the books in a safe and educational environment. We can discuss the stories they heard, becoming involved in the discussion.


Children learn to sit still and pay attention during storytime. They also get an education on when to speak up and when to stay quiet. These skills will benefit them as they grow older.

As parents, we’re pleased to know our children are developing an imagination through creating masks or costumes that apply to the story. Our child may be the next Rembrandt, thanks to the benefits of storytime. This skill will help them to learn to enjoy working on projects.

We can all agree that children benefit from storytime. They learn to listen, they learn to participate in a structured way, and they learn the joy and benefits of reading. A child who learns to read at a young age is one who will excel as he or she goes through his/her school years and beyond. Children who listen to stories and then learn to read them by themselves benefit from opening their minds to learning.

For over 60 years, Nickerson Corporation has been supplying educational furniture and equipment to those in the New York and New Jersey market. With a product list that varies from early childhood all the way to college and beyond, we are available to supply furniture solutions that can satisfy your every academic need. For more information on our products and delivery services, please give us a call at (631) 666-0200 today.